Our Mission and Goals: Who We Are and Why We Serve

SIAM is a consortium of museums in Illinois' lower 28 counties. We promote museums, create networking and professional development opportunities for museums, as well as develop collaborative projects among museums for educational purposes.

We serve Southern Illinois museums, citizens, and visitors to the area. We host workshops delving into topics such as marketing, grant writing, and collection management.

A building with many windows and a brick facade.

Our Values

  • Collaboration: Promoting Cooperation Among Museums
  • Professionalism: Promoting Accepted Museum Standards
  • Respect: Recognizing Each Member’s Views and Interests

Meet Our SIAM Officers

Claudia Dant, President

Zone 3 Director/IAM Board Member

Cindy Birk Conley, Treasurer

Leanna Gray,

Engage Us in Conversation

Feel free to reach out to SIAM officers for questions, comments, or suggestions. Our consortium officers would love to hear from you